Step #1 – Positioning and Angling
The first step in teaching Checking is to learn how to control skating and establish position to approach the opponent from an angle minimizing time and space for the opponent.
Positioning of a player is accomplished by:
- controlled skating (have solid stance, keep knees bent)
- skates shoulder width apart- keep your head always up
- always keep your stick on the ice- always protect middle of the ice
- defensive side positioning (stay between your man and the net)
- keep active stick
- keep feet moving
- proper forechecking (know different roles)
- proper backchecking (know different roles,tracking, picking up trailer)
- is a checking technic
- does not require contact
- use stick and body to steer opponents
In positioning/angling, players need to read the degree of puck control and control skating speed to force the puck carrier in the desired direction.
Step #2 – Stick Checks
The second step is to effectively use the stick in order to “check” your opponent.
Poke Check
- often used in 1 on 1 situations or with forechecking forwards
- elbow of the arm holding the stick is bent and close to your side (other arm used to maintain balance)
- one hand on the stick and your head up looking at opponents chest, NOT the puck
- do not lung at your opponent (throw yourself at him), rather you should extend your stick and try to knock the puck off your opponents blade
Hook Check
- the hook check is the most difficult stick check to perform because not only are you knocking the offensive player off the puck but also gaining control of the puck
- this checking maneuver is most successful when the offensive player is unaware of your presence around the puck
- using the curved part of the stick between the shaft and the blade, quickly slide the puck away from the stick handler
- place only your top hand on the stick
- with one knee bent, bring the shaft of the stick down so that it is almost flat on the ice
Sweep Check
- the sweep check is most effective when attacking the puck carrier from the front
- this check combines the skills of the poke and hook checks
- the sweep check should be used when you are defending against a good puck-handler
- your objective is to simply separate him/her from the puck just like with the poke check. But instead of poking at the puck, you are sweeping your stick along the ice using the curve between the shaft and the stick blade, forcing the offensive player to get rid of the puck
- keep only the top hand on the stick
- bend one knee, in order to get your stick blade along the ice.
Lift the Stick
- lifting the stick of your opponent is a very effective technique when you are coming from behind or slightly to the side of your opponent
- slide your lower hand down the shaft of the stick to gain leverage on your opponent
- skate slightly in front of your opponent
- slide your stick under that of your opponent's
- where the blade meets the shaft
- making a quick, hard thrust upward, lift the stick of your check· Once the stick of your opponent is off the ice, bring your stick down to take the puck away
- as soon as the puck is recovered, skate away from your opponent
- it is very important to continue to skate through the check. It will be very difficult to maintain your position in front of your opponent if you stop skating and your opponent continues striding.
Stick Press
- just like the lifting the stick technique, the stick press is a good maneuver for a defensive player to use when in a tight one on one battle with a forward, especially in front of your net
- your goal with this technique is to prevent your check from receiving or executing a pass, shooting or picking up a loose puck
- once again, slide your bottom hand down the shaft of the stick to gain leverage on your opponent
- using the lower half of your stick, press down hard on the shaft of your opponent's stick. This will prevent him/her from moving their stick
- your ability to execute this skill depends on the positioning of your stick on your opponent's and how much pressure you can apply on the stick of your check.
- you will see many NHL defensemen using this technique when offensive players are parked in front of the net. One of the only ways to legally score goals is by a player using their stick to shoot or deflect the puck into the net. If you have their stick tied up, you are limiting their chances of success
Hit the Stick
- hitting the stick is a good technique for offensive players to use when skating parallel with their check
- your objective is to hit the heel or the back half of your opponent's stick blade, forcing them to lose control of the puck
Step #3 – Body Contact & Contact Confidence
The third step is to use the body to block the opponent’s way or take away the skating lanes of another player. The correct stance and effective use of leg strength are important parts of these techniques.
Step #4 – Body Checking
The fourth and final step is actual body checking. This step includes teaching techniques to check and receive a body check as well as safety and rules.
- never hit opponents from behind and keep your arms, elbows and sticks down
- keep your head up at ALL times and eyes on opponents chest area
- with proper stance, balance, and speed you will be able to knock any player down no matter how big they are
Shoulder Check
- be sure you can give shoulder checks with either shoulder
- explode the point of your shoulder into the opponents chest
- knees are bent and extend on contact - need powerfull legs
- keep low stance
- skates are turned outward and dig into a shoulders width apart
- keep only one hand on the stick with the other flexed to the side
- keep hand close to the body to prevent injury
- whenever you see a puck carrier skating with his head down, this is a great opportunity to use a shoulder check
Hip Checks
- used mainly by defenseman along the boards
- can also be used mid ice when mastered
- keep one hand on stick, knees bent, lower stance
- as you are skating backwards, you pivot, swing your hips 90-degrees and drive your hip into your opponent
- timing is very important
Open Ice Hitting
- proper gap control, good positioning
- lign your outside shoulder with opponents inside shoulder (protect midlane)
- always keep knees bent and your head up
- when pinning an opponent along the boards, always place one of your legs between the opponents legs and pin him into the glass
- keep your arm and shoulder under the opponents outside arm